Recovering Your Intuitive Voice for Art + Life

This blog is designed to help you recover that important connection to the Intuitive Voice, first in understanding what it truly is and how unique it is to each one of us, the fingerprint of our very own soul.

Introducing the Recovering Your Intuitive Voice Membership Community

Subscribers who choose to join the membership community are currently enjoying the following perks:

  • Weekly exclusive posts including:

  • Two video lessons per month. Lessons are currently from the Wax, Paper, Scissors: Hot and Cold Wax Combinations with Paper.

  • Written posts focusing on the course we are studying and/or the Intuitive Voice/Art Critic messaging.

  • Once monthly live zoom hangout sessions (Hangouts are not recorded). This is the time we get to connect and get to know each other, talk about our own journey as artists and creatives, ask questions about the current course study, and just generally hangout together in a very casual atmosphere. Think of this as part group coaching, accountability, and mentorship.

  • Monthly or Bimonthly Member Spotlight Artists—featuring one of our group members and their art in a post and/or during our monthly hangout.

  • Once monthly Live art mini (held on Zoom)—bring your current project to the virtual table and create alongside other members, some months this time will be a more formal workshop or tutorial.

  • Continued access to all previous lesson videos.

  • And more to come!

Discovering Your Intuitive Voice Workshop

Start your understanding of the Intuitive Voice with the first workshop I taught live online, Discovering Your Intuitive Voice, now edited into a free series of short, easy to follow video lessons available for all here on the blog.

Hi I’m Crystal Marie!

Artist, Writer, Speaker, Intuitive, Way Pointer

I’m not here to teach you to make art. I’m here to teach you to use your voice! My passion in teaching comes from discovering that my intuitive voice is simply the core, most authentic expression, of my own dang voice. Learning to tune in to listen to it has led me to create art, and a life, that is beyond what I ever believed possible.

Here’s a bit more about my life as an artist:

Crystal Marie is an artist and an author with a passion for teaching others how to recover their own unique voice. Her process is intuitive, which, she says, is simply the truest, most authentic version of her own voice.

Following her intuitive knowing has been the foundation of Crystal’s career as an artist, when in her 30s a happenstance encounter with a stranger handing her an art magazine was all it took to awaken that long forgotten place inside.

Today Crystal has an established career as a professional artist with gallery representation, one book published on the art of collage, and is currently writing a book about the intuitive voice. Crystal has exhibited her work in many fine art exhibitions, solo shows, and events. She teaches workshops on her website Canary Rising and locations across the US.

I’m so glad you’ve decided to join us at the virtual table!

Crystal Marie

Subscribe to Recovering Your Intuitive Voice for Art+Life

A series of conversations and art exercises by Crystal Marie, designed to help you understand and recover the important connection to your Intuitive Voice. Simply put, your core, most authentic self, as unique to each of us as our thumbprint!


ARTIST, WRITER, MENTOR I’m not here to teach you to make art. I’m here to teach you to use your voice! My passion in teaching comes from discovering that my intuitive voice is simply the core, most authentic expression of my own dang voice.